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视康眼镜官网揭秘哪款旗舰笔记本能媲美XPS 13MateBook X Pro的神秘对手现身
2025-01-28 【明星】 0人已围观
简介在MWC(世界移动通信大会)上,华为发布了性能卓越的MateBook X Pro,这款产品自问世以来备受业界关注,并赢得了国内外媒体的众多赞誉。4月12日,该机在国内正式发布,短短五天时间便在京东创下十一万预约量!4月18日10:08,该机在华为商城、华为京东自营官方旗舰店、天猫华为官方旗舰店、华为苏宁易购官方旗舰店以及华为体验店、华为授权店等线下门店火爆开售,售价7988元起。 近日
在MWC(世界移动通信大会)上,华为发布了性能卓越的MateBook X Pro,这款产品自问世以来备受业界关注,并赢得了国内外媒体的众多赞誉。4月12日,该机在国内正式发布,短短五天时间便在京东创下十一万预约量!4月18日10:08,该机在华为商城、华为京东自营官方旗舰店、天猫华为官方旗舰店、华为苏宁易购官方旗舰店以及华为体验店、华为授权店等线下门店火爆开售,售价7988元起。
近日,权威媒体Windows Central通过详细评测,并将华为MateBook X Pro与戴尔XPS 13作对比,并认为这是两款目前市面上最优秀的超轻薄笔记本的终极对决。
今年,我们留意并测试了不少优质笔记本电脑,其中,戴尔的新款XPS 13 9370和华为的新款MateBook X Pro两款蛤壳式笔记本电脑表现尤为突出。两款产品均为轻薄专业性能本,功能强大,可随时处理身边的日常工作。如果你最近考虑新入手一台笔记本电脑,你可以选择任意一款,它们都是不错的选择。在此,我会帮你细化对比内容。
戴尔XPS 13与华為MateBook X Pro對比:技術規格
戴爾XPS 13與華為MateBook X Pro對比:設計與特點
戴爾新版XPS 13設計與最新一代9360相似,但更精致,有新的接口、新色彩選擇,並且隔熱降溫效果更佳。底板材質仍舊是鋁合金,如果選擇白色版本則可選擇玻璃布掌托。此外,這兩台筆記型電腦都有背光鍵盤打字體驗非常好,其間距完美,如果你經常打字,一定會喜歡這種體驗。
電源按鈕內置指紋識別器。一旦開機,你可以通過指紋解鎖你的筆記型電腦。但是,這兩台筆記型電腦並沒有Windows Hello紅外攝像頭,但它們都有網絡攝像頭隱藏於鍵盤F排的一個按鈕下方。而Dell's WebCam Reel設置於屏幕之下(頂部無法放置)。如果你想要更多安全性,可以選擇將指紋識別器嵌入到電源按鈕中。
從接口方面來看,這兩台筆記型電腦都準備好了未來,它們各自提供USB-C端口,但Dell's USB-C端口支持Thunderbolt3,而Huawei Matebook x pro只有一個單獨端口。如果需要USB-A端口或不想使用轉換器,那麼Huawei Matebook x pro就是明智之選。
Dell's XPS 13小巧輕盈,更具有前瞻性的接口配置,但是Huawei Matebook x pro也有一些吸引人的特點,比如它那巨大的觸控螢幕和額外USB-A連接埠可能會讓一些用戶感到滿意。
Dell’s XPS 13 & Huawei Matebook x pro comparison: Screen
這兩台筆記型電腦在螢幕方面也有所競爭。Huawei Matebook x pro採用的是一個令人印象深刻的大螢幕——大小達至14英寸,以3:2高寬比例呈現,而分辨率高达3000x2000,並具備100% sRGB色域。此外,它還配備了一個緊湊而精確無誤的大猩猩康寧玻璃觸摸屏,以及AF防指纹技術,使得触控交互更加流畅順暢。
另外,在设计上,还采用了一体化触控方案(one glass solution),实现了触摸屏上的高精度多点触控,同时减少了反光问题,使用户能够享受到无缝的手势操作体验。
相較之下,Dell's new version of the XPS also offers a touchscreen option with a slightly lower resolution, but it still packs plenty of punch. The screen measures in at a respectable size of about thirteen and three-quarters inches, with an aspect ratio that is more commonly seen in media consumption.
Against these two contenders, both Dell and Huawei have made some impressive strides forward in their respective designs. Both offer sleek aluminum bodies that exude premium quality while keeping weight down to reasonable levels.
Both devices also feature backlit keyboards for those late-night typing sessions or presentations during the day. In terms of performance, they are on par with each other as well. They all come equipped with eighth-generation Intel Core processors (CPU), along with various memory and storage options to choose from.
However there is one key difference between them - Dell has opted for an integrated Intel graphics card while Huawei has chosen to include an NVIDIA MX150 dedicated GPU. This makes the latter slightly better suited for gaming and multimedia editing tasks.
In terms of battery life, both laptops are capable performers although they do differ slightly based on configuration choices you make when purchasing them.
The Dell laptop comes equipped with GORE thermal insulation which helps keep temperatures under control even when running demanding applications at maximum capacity without needing to throttle its powerful eighth-generation Intel Core i7 processor.
On the other hand, the Huawei laptop does not need any throttling either thanks to its clever cooling system design but can only last up to ten hours on a single charge before needing recharge whereas Dell's model might last around eight hours if configured with FHD display settings before requiring another round of charging time depending upon usage patterns.
In conclusion,
For those who prefer Windows-based laptops like myself then having such excellent alternatives like the Dell Inspiron series or HP Envy series available will be very welcome indeed! With this review I hope you've found out what sets apart these two top-tier ultrabooks so that you can decide which one best fits your needs next time around!