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2025-03-06 品牌圈 0人已围观

简介专题:周冬雨逆袭变身大长腿,夏季瘦腿攻略学起来 王琪云 7年前 (2016-06-11) 3106℃ 穿衣搭配网导读——穿衣搭配技巧文章:最近综艺节目《我们相爱吧》在实力虐狗中,周冬雨和余文乐这一对CP也一直饱受人们争议。在最新一集播出的节目中,两人又来到海边互动,我们却发现原来周冬雨的小粗腿不见了,而且身材是越来越好。 《我们相爱吧》节目两人互动 周冬雨独自接受挑战


王琪云 7年前 (2016-06-11) 3106℃ 穿衣搭配网导读——穿衣搭配技巧文章:最近综艺节目《我们相爱吧》在实力虐狗中,周冬雨和余文乐这一对CP也一直饱受人们争议。在最新一集播出的节目中,两人又来到海边互动,我们却发现原来周冬雨的小粗腿不见了,而且身材是越来越好。




周冬雨 刚出道时的身材是这样的,也没有完全暴露她的腿型。

Weeks after her debut, we can see that her legs are still relatively thick.

However, as time passed by and she continued to work hard on her body, the once-thick legs have become a thing of the past.

Now let's look at how she transformed over the years:

In 2011, she was walking on the red carpet with noticeable thicker legs.

By 2013, while there were some improvements in her leg shape, it was still possible to spot muscles on her calves.

And then came the transformation in 2016 - frequent appearances at events revealed not only slimmer legs but also an overall improvement in her physique.

The secret behind this transformation? Regular exercise! She has often talked about how she stays active. Now let's learn from these tips and follow suit!

Slimming Exercises:

Step1: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms held out to your sides. Keep your back straight and engage your core muscles. Let your shoulders droop slightly.

Step2: Bend both knees outwardly while keeping your upper body upright. Lower yourself into a half-squat position until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings.

Step3: Hold this position for five seconds before standing up again.

Air Bicycle Exercise:

Step1: Lie down on a bed or mat with both knees bent at right angles towards you chest level.

Step2: Perform bicycle movements without touching the floor using one foot pedal motion for each set of repetitions (100 times).

Leg Massaging Technique:

Use both hands to massage along the inner and outer sides of each thigh from ankle to hip joint area repeatedly for thirty seconds per side.

Kneading Technique:

Use both hands like wringing out a towel applying moderate pressure knead each leg thirty times.

5.Leg Massage Techniques:

Step1 &2 : Begin by massaging inwardly from ankles toward calf region gently stretching inner thighs twenty-five times per side followed by pressing inward fifteen times per side with fingertips.Finally use fingers rolling external surfaces twenty-five times per side.

Finally remember that losing weight is just one part of maintaining healthy-looking legs; proper care is equally important during summer months when skin tends to get more exposed.

To remove dead skin cells effectively especially around joints such as elbows & knees go through regular exfoliation process

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